To mark International Women’s Day, All Things Business – The Podcast invited some very inspirational women from the local business community to join them for this special 50th episode: MRS directors Nicola Tilley and Emily Cooper!
As two women who have succeeded in a particularly male-dominated industry, Ben asks for the directors’ view on International Women’s Day. Emily thinks it’s something to celebrate, as they have seen first-hand the prejudice that women can face in industry. While they have succeeded in spite of that, the reflect on the opposition they faced earlier in their business journey, believing it made them more driven, and Nicola adds that it’s only in retrospect they realise the amount of opposition they faced. Nowadays, they are happy to say that there are a lot more women in the logistics sector at all levels, although the number of women drivers is still very low as a percentage.
Ben asks what advice would they give to a young woman looking to get into business?
They say it boils down to having a quality network, properly researching your sector, and having a great partner or team around you to share the workload and do business with.
The episode closes with Mrs & Mrs, a take on the game show Mr & Mrs! And it’s a round that will be hard to beat. Who makes most of the decisions? In a nice display of humility, they pick each other. Who is the most likely to get lost on their way to a client meeting? Emily. Who is the better driver? Emily. Best networker? Nikki. Whose desk is the cleanest? Emily. There’s finally some descension when they’re asked whose dog is cuter? Of course, they both pick their own. Who’s the biggest party animal? Nikki, as Emily likes to go to bed early. Who is the fittest? Emily, but it depends on the activity.
That’s six matching answers for this round, showing the directors make a great team!
Listen to the full podcast.