MRS Directors appear on business leader podcast

MRS directors Emily and Nicola recently guested on the Best of Times / Worst of Times podcast to discuss their entrepreneurial history, the state of the logistics sector and the best gigs they’ve ever been to!

The Best of Times / Worst of Times podcast is hosted by David Poole and James Doyle and aims to explore the pivotal moments that make us the people we are today, especially in a business context. Emily and Nicola’s appearance discusses MDS’ beginnings as an upstart in the logistics recruitment sector in 2008, going into business just before the financial crisis. Thankfully they were able to weather the storm even as a fledgling enterprise, finding community in the business community of Northampton and taking advantage of its position within the logistics ‘golden triangle’.

Emily and Nicola offer their insights into the logistics sector. As a recruitment company, they have a unique perspective to offer, commenting on cash flow, driver demographics and perceptions of logistics drivers on the road. Their approach to recruitment comes up too; they meet every driver in their database and issue them uniforms to ensure they are reliable and look the part, which in turn builds trust with their clients. 

The podcast has a recurring segment called ’worst of times’ and the answer is different for each director. Nicola recounts losing a major client while Emily was on holiday, having to handle the weight of that on her own. Emily brings up the pandemic, with important metrics dropping overnight. While both of these situations were difficult, each provided learning experiences and opportunities in the long term. 

The podcast comes to a close with a cultural roundup.

Be sure to listen to the podcast to find out Emily and Nicola’s favourite albums, gigs and sitcoms.

Listen to the Best of Times / Worst of Times podcast.

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